What to Expect
We strive to Glorify God in all that we do. Our goal is to help everyone worship in truth and spirit. His command is clear.
Sunday AM
John 4:23-24: But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
So, what is expected for us to worship in a way that he will seek us… That is a great question and we would really enjoy the opportunity to study it out with you. Contact us if you want to learn more
If you visit with us, you will find the following things happening during our time in worship together
Praying, you will hear us praying for sick, others in need, blessings and favor from God and praise to God.
Giving – During the worship we take the time to collect money to support the work of the church. No visitor should feel obligated to give. This is done with a cheerful heart by the church with the hope that it can be used to serve and reach souls in need of the Truth
Communion – Each week we participate in what is commonly referred to as “the Lords’ Supper.” During this time, we pray and take the fruit of the vine (grape juice), and bread (unleavened bread) as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.
Teaching – You will hear a lesson full of scripture and rich teaching to help you and your family build your Faith.
Singing – By design we sign acapella. Some have asked if we needed help buying instruments. We appreciate the offer. God created us with one of the most beautiful instruments off all and that’s our vocal cords. We believe based on our examples in scripture and how the first century church worshiped that God is pleased with just simply singing. Are we saying singing accompanied by mechanical instruments does not please God? Possibly! Weird right? Want to study it out? We can look at scripture and clearly see what God is pleased with when it came to music.
Most of this takes place within a one-hour time frame. Do you have a favorite Gospel song you want to hear the congregation sing when you visit? Let us know ahead of time that you are coming to visit and if we know the song, we will add it to our list that morning.